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What Are the Treatments for Male Infertility?

What Are the Treatments for Male Infertility?

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What Are the Treatments for Male Infertility?

About one in three infertility cases is the result of the guy alone. One of the most challenging situations a man may experience is receiving a diagnosis of male infertility. The issue usually arises during the production or transportation of the sperm. A male may have a low sperm count or defective sperm for various reasons, including varicocele, an undescended testicle, genetic abnormalities, hormonal issues, etc.

Sometimes the problem is not sperm production. The challenge is getting the sperm to their intended destination. These male infertile men have healthy sperm in their testicles. However, the sperm in the semen are either defective, extremely few, or absent altogether.

But there is no need to worry. Many treatments could help a man father a child. You can consult experts at Shanvi IVF for suitable treatment. It provides the best male infertility treatment in Agra.

Male Infertility Treatments


Male infertility surgical treatment is to get beyond inherent or acquired anatomical limitations that prevent sperm production, maturation, or delivery. Microsurgery can be used to treat epididymal blockage to enhance sperm delivery. Endoscopic intervention can be used to treat ejaculatory blockage. Microsurgery can restore testicular dysfunction and sperm production caused by varicocele.
In some guys, the scrotum must be used to harvest sperm directly. In such circumstances, sperm can be extracted directly from the epididymis or testis using percutaneous or microsurgical methods.

Treating Infections

Antibiotics may be used to treat a reproductive tract infection, although fertility is not always restored.

Treatments For Sexual Intercourse Problems

In cases of early ejaculation or erectile dysfunction, medication or counselling might assist in enhancing fertility.

Hormone Treatments and Medications

Some infertile men’s sperm counts can be increased by medication. Your doctor may prescribe you an oestrogen receptor blocker, like clomiphene citrate, which activates the pituitary and hypothalamus glands in the brain. Luteinising hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which can boost sperm production, are produced as a result.

Human chorionic gonadotropin might be given to men with inadequate testosterone levels to regulate LH and FSH levels and boost sperm production. This medicine is administered intravenously three times weekly for up to six months. Your doctor will check your testosterone levels with routine blood tests and change the prescription dosage as necessary.

Assisted Reproductive Technology

ART treatments may involve obtaining sperm through surgical extraction, normal ejaculation, or from donors, according to your particular circumstances and choices. Sperm inhibited by obstructive azoospermia (no sperm) can be removed using various microsurgical techniques. The objective is to obtain cells of the highest quality and quantity. This is done while attempting to protect the reproductive system. Some of the methods are:


Testicular sperm aspiration (TESA) is one of the newest techniques for sperm retrieval. This medication is suggested for males who have azoospermia, a condition in which there is no sperm in the ejaculate. Historically, donor insemination or reconstructive surgery were the only options for treating azoospermia. Many azoospermia men have become biological fathers since the invention of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), using sperm from their testicles or epididymis.


This method is frequently used to identify the origin of azoospermia. Also obtained is sufficient tissue for sperm extraction. Testicular sperm can be utilized either fresh or frozen (or “cryopreserved”). Several tiny biopsies may be performed frequently in the office. In a more advanced variation of this method known as MicroTESE, small pockets of sperm production in the testicles of men with such poor sperm production that no sperm survive to develop into semen are found.


Both local and general anaesthesia are acceptable for PESA procedures. The urologist punctures the epididymis using a syringe-attached needle. They carefully remove the fluid. This method may not always work to obtain sperm. Open surgery might still be required.


Speak with a healthcare professional if you and your partner have been trying to conceive but have not had any luck. They will perform testing, identify the cause, and see if treatment would be beneficial. Usually, male infertility can be fixed, but in rare cases, when there is no treatment for the problem. The doctor might suggest you go for a sperm donor or adoption. Doctors at Shanvi IVF are professional and highly experienced and help you with all your infertility problems and guide you in the right direction. They offer TESA fertility treatment in Agra with a high success rate.

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